Sophie Ellie Bexter – Concert VR Filming

Sophie Ellis Bexter

How can we make an event or gig more immersive for those not able to attend in person? That was the challenge we were set by international events producer Destination Events. So we offered concert VR filming with our 11k image LIVE and recorded Virtual Reality (360VR) cameras. We offered the live stream and recording of the performances giving our client more ways to connect the with their audience. As the viewer at home you could choose to either watch the ‘traditional’ video coverage or enjoy the concert VR experience as if you were there , right in the front row.

sophie ellis bexter vr concert filming vt

VR Filming

As a solution this is pretty simple for our team, VR Filming using our Titan 11K and outputting it via LIVE stream and or recorded media. with some of our solutions there are many additional layers, but this is just a first person view of the concert. On any mobile device you can lift, tilt or turn your phone to ‘look around” the venue as if you were really there. On a computer? It’s just click and drag. Of course headset users can simply look around much like on a phone, but it’s hands free! You can try it below.


The Challenges:

  • How to convert potential audience to Social Media Followers or Subscribers
  • How to convert TV audience to Social Media Followers or Subscribers
  • How to offer audience a more interesting and engaging content and create a brand USP
  • Do so without impacting the rest of the Event or Film coverage

The Solutions:

LNYDP engaged us to create a range of amazing Ultra Reality Virtual Reality content. From behind the scenes ‘set’ visits and walk throughs, through to Virtual where the audience are front row for amazing celebrity performances. In addition to the VR, we have created an Augmented engagement solution that allows an entire new level of content for all kinds of uses.

Find out what we can do for your brand and audience by contacting us.

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