How to save the high street – increasing footfall

Across the country the high street is dying. Even in premium areas, there are more empty stores than ever before, so for the community, the businesses that operate and the people that work there the question is simple. How to save the high street ?

This is undoubtedly something that must be taken seriously. Shops laying vacant, breaks down communities. Data shows the direct links to increase in crime and the lack of store leaves local shoppers more likely to either online shop or go to the retail parks.

how do we save the high street and boost communities?

So how the question stands, what can we do? How can we save the high street? The answer is simple, it’s all about engagement.

Save the High Street with Cost Effective Engagement tools

We all want to save the high street, but budgets are limited. Expensive event activations draw footfall can only be so regular, due to budgets. Even with the budget to do once a month, what do you do to keep up footfall ever other day?

The good news is we have the answer.

At Ultra Reality we create a range of Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality products to solve the problem. Shopping Centres, Business Improvement Districts, Councils and stores use our solutions to radically combat that footfall issue. We have created a range of out of the box products that cost as little as £14 per day! This offers you a low cost, high engagement solution to the problem.

There are no technical requirements, no barriers to entry and our solutions work on visitors phones, without the need for apps or headsets. Simply print the QR codes along with any signage, dressing or branding and you are ready to deploy.

how to save the high street how to use tech to drive sales

Need an Example?

Hemel Shopping Centre deployed a series of our Ready2Use VR to increase engagement and footfall to their series of activations. The which visitors could follow a trail of Virtual Reality experiences.

Our client is responsible for the marketing activations and activities for the site. Having worked with them for a number of years asked us what we could do to help on the project.

“We need something for space, sea, beach and jungle what can you do?”

We offered a 5 point VR trail experience for all themes, from our Ready2Use library. Our steam supplied the QR codes and all the support included in the price. This was a huge success, with a much higher than expected footfall and engagement for an activation with limited budget.

The Solution

The Ultra Reality Ready2Use library allows businesses to access VR engagement solutions at a very low cost. From just £14 per day you can fill your site with a VR trail or single point activation that draw footfall. That is unbelievable value and offers the community a fun, free activity and a reason to visit. While on site they’ll make purchases and visit the business, boosting revenues.

How will people know about it? Our solutions can be used online too, meaning teaser experiences can draw customers in and generate real buzz! We all need a talking point for our marketing and Ultra Reality solutions really are one! Highly shareable and engaging, see what they can do for you online and onsite.

Want to find out more? Contact us.

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